Monday, May 25, 2009

Lost in a Crowd... Part 3

Kadi transferred to a new school, and its the second day of school. Kadi's cousin Dalia are the same age, and were gonna in the same grade. Kadi wanted to be with Dalia in all her classes, so they had their parents ask the counselor to have the same schedule.

Kadi : dalo shd3waa endawem awal sboo3 of school shakhbary were not in middle school anymore ! pls khal echawer ur driver o we go to shalayh mama sherefah instead or do something fun.

Dalia : laa kadoy mu men awal youm 7agich takshiteen, you should make a good first impression li2ana it’s a new school for you.

Kadi: oooh theba7tena 3ala el first impression ! 3ade bacher I’ll give them mo shar6 men awal youm!

Dalia : Kadii bass khalas were going to school o 3amy mwasene manakshet ! khalas that’s it !
Kadi: huuufff ok fiinee:(
On the other had, Zaina had transferred to the same School Kadi and Dalia are in. It was her first day, and she was very worried about fitting in and making new friends, because of her past experience in her pervious school. She didn't know anyone in the school, and was hoping for good results.
Zaina: Mama ana khayfaaa, ma7ib awal youm ib madrisa ideeda ou ma3arif a7ad.

Zaina's mother: 3ady 7abeebti tit3arifain 3ala new friends, its a good school ou akeed feeh a lot of good people.

Zaina: I hope mama, ala yaster.

Zaina's mother: damich khayfa tabeen awaslich?

Zaina: haha la 3ady mama.

Zaina reached school, and everything was fine so far. She noticed that the students were very sweet, and everyone had a smile on their face. She stayed at the counselors office with some new students she met, and then was sent to her advisory home class. She went in, and sat in an empty seat next to two girls that seemed very nice.
Zaina to home teacher: Good morning Miss Schmer

Miss Schmer : Good morning, please have a seat next to Kadi and Dalia.

Dalia: Hi, are you new here?

Zaina: yeah, its my first day.

Dalia: oooh 9iij, hathy my cousin Kadi its her first day ba3ad.

Kadi: Hi, nice to meet you.

Sula picked up Najla again for school, and as usual went to Starbucks for their morning coffee. Even though they were late to school, Najla insisted that they should get venti coffees.

Najla: sula golay 7g ur driver ewadena sbux a7taj gahwa gabl school magdar

Sula: ya7ebech 7ag el gahwa enzain ! Pedro please go to sbux plaza before school

Pedro : ok sholaa

Sula : wai3o madre meta begol esme 3adel ! kama 3alayh 9arly sneeeeen wana afhma !

Before entering their home advisory class:

Najla: Akkkh Sula this stuff is addictive

Sula while getting in class: Yeah, I cant function without it haha;p

Sula and najla each one holding their morning coffee's o dkhalaw class o st6araw wara zaina,
dalia , and kadi.

Mr. Schmer: Well well, let's see what we have here sula and najla with their morning coffee's and LATE.

Najla: sorry traffic, (whispering to sula) hehe ala e3enaah 3alayha ha di3la

Sula: waj3aaan enshala matsarekh ya3nee wana tawne ga3da men enoom! HUFT!!
Kadi whipering to Dalia : 3eshtaw men hathayla dalia ?

Dalia: Hathoola Sula and Najla, they live in their own world.

Kadi: ahaaa, etha7koon ma3a their coffees raheen
Sula And Najla always sit at the back of the class, and think that they cannot be heard so they make their small "diwaniya" in class. They play games, read magazines and do random stuff.

Sula : *whispering* najoool
Najla : haa
Sula : im starving, khan taghada bara wain taben enro7 after school
Najla : 7adi meshtahya wasabi
Sula: eee yala digay 7ijzaay
Najla: shlooon?
Sula: Ta7t el 6awla 3ady, agha6eech, witha yat miss schumer aragii3
Najla: walla enich gasa 3alay bas inzain
Kadi playing with her mobile and laughing at some msgs she just received.
Dalia: shhhhhh
Kadii with a laughing tone : Dalioo sem3ay el nikta
Dalia: Kadiii Ms. Schafer la ta7qed 3alaich
Kadi: ifff
Then turning around trying to make a new friend .
Kadi: hii esmich zaina sa7 ?
Zaina smiling : ee
Kadi: el class shakla 6oweel mo met3awda ag3ad the whole block bedon la a6la3 min class
Zaina: umbaay 7ata ana
Kadi: pls chaykay eli labsa polkadots ga3da first row
Zaina laughing very hard
Ms. Schmer : GIRLSSSS
kadi and zaina both at the same time: I'm sorry

Sula, Kadi, and Zaina were assingned a project and she got to know them better! Zaina loved kadi's humor.
However Dalia and Najla were together in their project and got to know each other much better.
After that, the 5 girls were a pack. Their friendship grew stronger and thats where OUR story begins!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

After a long summer vacation... Part 2

At night the day before going back to school Sula couldn't sleep for the excitement. She loved school, loved her classmates, and everything about it. Sula was even more excited because of her older brother Rakan was still in Cannes, and will miss the whole first week. So, Sula wanted to share that feeling and called Najla to talk about it.

Sula: Najoooool maani gadra anam men elwanasaaa lazim lazim itdawmeen bacher!

Najla with a sleepy voice: waaay faraqa entay khaleeni banaam mali khulg adawim.

Sula: waaay julie pls come!! abeech its the first day back, khanroo7 enshouf how's everyone doing.

Najla: iseer khair call me in the morning, im gonna sleep now bye.
In the morning.

Sula calling Najla: yalla julie get up, bamurich ma3a el sayiq wenroo7 school together.

Najla: ok yalla 3ashanich, now agoom bas coffee first.

Sula: hehe ok awadeech starbucks.

When they got to school, Najla mesta3sira the whole time because she hated first day back, but Sula was jumping around men el wanasa. They got in greeting all their friends so happy to see each other after a long vacation. Everyone was talking about what they did , where they went, and how much fun they had.

Sula: Wayid feeh new faces this year.

Najla: eeh ga3da ashoof, waaay ala e3eena.

Sula: hehe Najool try to be nice, shakelhum i7laweeen.

Najla: hufff inzain.

Zaina's mothers was very worried about her, because she was doing very badly in her classes and had many problems with her classmates.

Zaina's mother: Zayoona 7abeebty eshrayech a7awlich another school this year, for a fresh start.

Zaina: mama madree walla, ana i hate my school fa ma 3indy mani3 kaifich.

Zaina's mother: eeeh 7abeebty a7sanlich ana ashoofich moo merta7a ib madristich, change is good for you 7abeebty. Aham shay 3indy wanastich wityeebenly good grades.

Zaina: ely etshoofena mama, 3ala ra7tich.

After the prank Kadi did the last day of school, she was kicked about. No other school would accept her, only after her father got her a wasta in one of his friends school.

Kadi's father: 7abeebty kadi hathy el madrisa elwa7eeda ely rithat taqbilich, 3afya bindoosh shi6ana hal sina. 3ugib mako ghair awadeech 7ukooma fahma.

Kadi: baba wala asfa mara7 asawee shay el sina, aslan ma a3arif a7ad bel madrisa ghair my cousin Dalia.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The beginning... before we all meet.

Zaina : MAAMAAAA… plss khankamel one more week in London it's too early school can wait ou ma malait men ihny!!

Mama: laa mayseer 7abeebty warach school, o lazem etsheden 7ailech khaala9 high school now mama o lazem tyeben mo3adal 3aly 3shan we throw you a huuge party for your graduation that uve always wanted.

Zaina : bas mama I hate school , I hate my classmates , I trust no one , o kelman hates me... its very frustrating trying to fit in!

Mama: maykhalef 7abebty bel 3aks la2anech mo7tarama gamaw egharon menech el banat, ma3alaich kelha 2 years o etakharejain enshala.

---- Zaina was in 10th grade, She is funny, kind and has a nice personality! However everyone thought enha knat etekabar o shayfa rou7ha because of her LOOKS which was SO not the reason!! They were all "too open minded" while she grew up in a conservative family ma3ana she was in a mixed school and everything bas her family 3awedoha enha matemada weya boys other than school work.

Kadi : BAAAS , lat7atheef water balloons 3alay ana !! E7thef-hum 3ala Mrs. Smith ga3da bara yam el front gate bas telatham lanenchak ! hahahaha

Yousef: kent bajareb hal balloon fech awal then gelt bage6ha 3al shabab ele bara! :P

3omar: Kadooy ya7mara telathemay me7na nagseen fethaye7 yal mabyaa3 !!

Kadi: ee yala kani kaani batlatham ib chmaq ywasef.

Yousef: RIKTHAW!

SPLAASH the balloon landed on their principle’s face o rekethat warahom bas ashwaaa they were in a car so en7ashaw!! ;p

--- Kadi was the most popular girl in school that was loved by everyone !! every girl envied her for having an amazing and social personality , a killer body , and only hanged out with boys!! Her best buddies were Yousef her cousin( the funny one ele agrees with everything she does) , 3omar also her cousin( The protective one ele mayertha 3alaiha eb shay) , and Thary her classmate ( The nerd that tutors them when they're lost)
Sula: waaaay 7adi walhana 3al madriisaa, i'm so excited i cant wait!!

Najla: min sijich ? ana mara7 adawem hal esboo3 mali khilg

Sula : Eeee mistansa rakan ukhooy mara7 ekon mawjod awal week fa 3ala ra7ty asawi eli abii

Najla : waaay 3ad ukhooch ya 7eba 7ag el emnashab !! ta3alay shegolich thak elyom la teg3eden ma3a faisal ?

Sula : ee najool takhayelay sheft faisal in avenues chan i smile oo yah salam 3alay !! chan Rakan ukhoy edig 3alay ezifni laish salamt !!! ya3ni he's my classmate ma sawait shaay ghalaaa6!!

--- Sula is the stubborn and young child in her family. Her family spoiled her, and gave her everything she ever wanted. Bas 3endaha ukho emnashebha eb kil ezqera o ekbera. In school kanat the friendliest one in class, and loved my everyone.

--- Najla on the other hand kanat the girl eli mat7eb eta3araf 3ala a7ad o wala shay ya3jebha. In class el kil kan egolaha najla sarlich 10 years in school o lail7en ma en3aref shakhsetich o yes its true ! sometimes she can make you pee in ur pants and sometimes you just want to hit her.

Until Next Time Luvlieess ;*******

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Heeeey Everyone !! ;***

Sooo Tawna fat7en our blog which we never tried before !! This is all new to us , o enshala ya3jbkm o testansoun ;x

Gelna we wanted to start writing 3an r daily events o shnsawe, o write about r "crushes" or lets say "7ubna eli min 6araf wa7ed" ele they obviously dont know about us hufff ;( ..... anyhooo we the newbies need help from the oldies pls and we apprieciate those who would help us
thaank you ;**