Saturday, May 23, 2009

After a long summer vacation... Part 2

At night the day before going back to school Sula couldn't sleep for the excitement. She loved school, loved her classmates, and everything about it. Sula was even more excited because of her older brother Rakan was still in Cannes, and will miss the whole first week. So, Sula wanted to share that feeling and called Najla to talk about it.

Sula: Najoooool maani gadra anam men elwanasaaa lazim lazim itdawmeen bacher!

Najla with a sleepy voice: waaay faraqa entay khaleeni banaam mali khulg adawim.

Sula: waaay julie pls come!! abeech its the first day back, khanroo7 enshouf how's everyone doing.

Najla: iseer khair call me in the morning, im gonna sleep now bye.
In the morning.

Sula calling Najla: yalla julie get up, bamurich ma3a el sayiq wenroo7 school together.

Najla: ok yalla 3ashanich, now agoom bas coffee first.

Sula: hehe ok awadeech starbucks.

When they got to school, Najla mesta3sira the whole time because she hated first day back, but Sula was jumping around men el wanasa. They got in greeting all their friends so happy to see each other after a long vacation. Everyone was talking about what they did , where they went, and how much fun they had.

Sula: Wayid feeh new faces this year.

Najla: eeh ga3da ashoof, waaay ala e3eena.

Sula: hehe Najool try to be nice, shakelhum i7laweeen.

Najla: hufff inzain.

Zaina's mothers was very worried about her, because she was doing very badly in her classes and had many problems with her classmates.

Zaina's mother: Zayoona 7abeebty eshrayech a7awlich another school this year, for a fresh start.

Zaina: mama madree walla, ana i hate my school fa ma 3indy mani3 kaifich.

Zaina's mother: eeeh 7abeebty a7sanlich ana ashoofich moo merta7a ib madristich, change is good for you 7abeebty. Aham shay 3indy wanastich wityeebenly good grades.

Zaina: ely etshoofena mama, 3ala ra7tich.

After the prank Kadi did the last day of school, she was kicked about. No other school would accept her, only after her father got her a wasta in one of his friends school.

Kadi's father: 7abeebty kadi hathy el madrisa elwa7eeda ely rithat taqbilich, 3afya bindoosh shi6ana hal sina. 3ugib mako ghair awadeech 7ukooma fahma.

Kadi: baba wala asfa mara7 asawee shay el sina, aslan ma a3arif a7ad bel madrisa ghair my cousin Dalia.

1 comment:

  1. loool 7ata ana kil ma asawy shay '3ala6 my parents yhadidony bil 7ikooma ;p
